Normative’s engagement survey is sent out by Normative customers who use the Engage product.
In this product, the customers create engagements to survey their value chain and send out the resulting survey to companies that are part of their scope 3 carbon footprint. The purpose of this is to:
- get a better understanding of their value chain carbon maturity and
- collect primary supplier data that can be used to reduce scope 3 emissions.
You can read more about the Engage product here.
Why is my company receiving a survey?
When an engagement survey is first sent through Normative, the sender hopes to add you to their value chain as you are a key part of their scope 3 footprint. They have set a target date for when they would like this data from you.
They will most commonly repeat this request once per year, but some might choose to do it more often. The best way to know when a new survey will be sent out is by reaching out to your contact at the company.
Whether you will get more requests from different companies is hard to tell, as it is a new product. But the need for you to report on this data will continue to increase, as companies are moving along on their targets to reduce their scope 3 emissions.