Scope 2 covers emissions from purchased and consumed energy used in the company's owned or controlled facilities. This includes:
- purchased electricity;
- purchased heating;
- purchased steam;
- purchased cooling.
This article gives you a short introduction to the different categories of scope 2. If you are a Normative Business user, looking for details on how to collect data for this scope, go to the data collection page.
Companies report the emissions from the generation of purchased electricity that is consumed in its owned or controlled equipment or operations. Electricity is often a large portion of a company's indirect emissions and a significant opportunity to reduce emissions by focusing on more renewable alternatives.
Heating refers to indirect emissions associated with the heating of owned facilities by a heating supplier. This includes any heat energy that was purchased from utility suppliers, regardless of the energy source (district heating, natural gas, coal, off-site solar thermal) and excludes on-site heating such as space heating (scope 1 stationary combustion).
Purchased steam used as an energy source for heating and industrial processes.
Cooling refers to indirect emissions associated with cooling facilities owned by a company. This includes cooling through electricity purchased from utility suppliers or through the distribution of cooled air/water.